Monday 16 December 2013

Day 73 - Filling Retaining wall with Buckets of Concrete

With the blockwork complete the BarnBoys start mixing concrete and filling the cavity between the two lines of blockwork with bucket loads of concrete.

Mr Easycrete is back with his lorry of concrete

Boss Jon and Tim hand fill the cavity in the retaining wall

 Dreamcatcher Concentrating

Boss Jon filling the wall

'This wall better not fall down'

Doris the Digger holds the wall while the concrete cures

Inspector Walt 'right a bit, left a bit, Boys'

Back in the North......

Master Bedroom Windows


Bathroom window

After years of being home to hay and straw, and cows rubbing their rumps against the walls, the barn is slowly being straightened and pulled back together inch by inch, millimetre by millimetre. It won't be long before the fabric straps and chains are replaced with steel plates to hold it in place for at least the next 100 years.

Upper deck

Bye for now
Barn Girl

Day 72 - North South Divide

and on and on with the retaining wall in the South. Meanwhile, up in the North the joiners were on site, working on the timber structure, giving back some shape to the barn. I can see hints of window too.

East End Wall Second attempt. Say no more!

ANOTHER hat Matt. Another layer

And so, to the North and the Von Trapp family Joiners....Father, Son, Uncle, nephew.

Recording Studio Window

Window on the East

Window structure on the East

Loved Mr Joiner's ruler, sorry, I mean Empire 'Layout Square'.
  • Stamped conversion tables, made in USA
  • Mark and cut boards up to 12" wide
  • Thick frame design ensures safe use as a saw guide
  • Graduated notched area for "pulling" layout lines

Very handy tool of the trade

Empire Layout Square

Onwards to Day 71....more of the retaining wall and timber structure.

Friday 13 December 2013

Day 68 - Go Straight to Jail

With the back section of the retaining wall almost complete, the BarnBoys fit giant sheets of steel mesh in front of this wall, before they can start building the next.

Here we go again....

Starting the front section of the retaining wall

As you can tell, by my 'lite' posts, I'm getting behind. Hopefully, pics will suffice while I catch up.
Bye for now.


Thursday 12 December 2013

Day 67 - and on and on with that wall

Work on retaining wall continues. This is still only the back layer. Another wall of concrete blocks will be built in front of the upright steel, before concrete is poured between the two layers. A long, slow process. 

Blockwork Ian - 'only a few more to go....then start again on the layers in front'

Higher and higher

The hooded man chain saws through solid concrete blocks

The Barn Boys roll out damp proof material on top of brickwork - Front. North Elev   

Damp proof material. East Elev

Yay oh yay. Timber arrives with a posse of joiners to replace some of the timber structure.
Timber for you, Sir
