Sunday 23 March 2014

Day 131 - Roof Tiling Begins

The sun finally came out and roofer Neil was able to work in the dry for a change.  With the slates all stacked and ready on the North elevation, Neil spent the day tap, tap, tapping copper nails through the prepared holes, carefully positioning the slates along the batons.  

Apparently, copper nails don't react with slate, as other metals can, causing a 'rust' which bleeds down the tile. No thanks.

Roofer Neil makes hay.....and tiles m'roof

North upperdeck

Small slates for the ends of rows, where a tile and half is required because of the weird roof dimensions

Slate Cutter. 'This is not a toy'

Canopy of the porch awaiting Lenny the Lead

Wow. BarnGirl has a quarter of a roof tiled!

Batons on the sunny South. Do I see roof lights too?

If you're wondering what's going on along the open section of the South Elevation, it's the BarnBoys knocking up a temporary hoarding, to protect the inside of the South Elevation from further rainfall.  The weather forecast is horrendous, with another severe storm expected. So, the decision was made to close up what will be glass sliding doors....assuming the company supplying them sort out their tardiness!

Roof lights are in. Yes, I thought 'lights' were things with a bulb too

Boss Jon, are you sure this is temporary?

Makita Convention

A mighty fine temporary hoarding structure. It had better rain after all this!

Closing up the South Elevation, complete with Hobbit door
A storm? Really?!

I'm off the check on the weather forecast. ANOTHER storm? Surely not!  

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