Wednesday 26 March 2014

Day 132 - 135. Tiling, Lenny the Lead, Electrics, Parging Pug and EDF Trench

Busy few days on site.....Lots of vans. Lots of BarnBoys.  

BarnGirl and Inspector Walt arrived on site, to find the drive full of vehicles and the barn full of men: Neil and team tiling, Mark and Sean wiring for lights and general electrics, Lenny the lead 'dressing' the flat roof canopy with hand-beaten lead and Boss Jon, Matt, Tim and Shepherd Howard digging a trench nearby, in preparation for Power Networks.

'You can have any colour van you like, as long as it's silver'

Finishing off on the north
Lenny the Lead

Bottom's up. Lenny the Lead man and Danny applying lead to the canopy of the recessed porch

Rolls of lead. They weigh a ton!
'Roll and Drip' lead work on the flat roof canopy

Electrical plans. Sean and Mark make a start on the wire maze

Wires and cables here, there and everywhere

Electrician Mark

Tinted parging cement. Do I go for blond, light or dark grey?

Neil and Ging(?) tiling the South side

patch left for arrival of Solar Slate tiles

Air vent for slates

Roof wing man Danny

Boss Jon, Matt and Tim prepare trench for EDF cable
Ugh. Soil is SO wet, the EDF trench is collapsing.
Going to need to lay a pipe for EDF cable to run through

Sorry Tim, we can see you!

On to the next......after I've delivered a large lemon sponge cake, layered with cream and lemon filling.

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