Friday 17 January 2014

Day 107 - Digging, Joining and those Trusses

Smiley Tim runs amok with Doris; this time Doris decides to gobble up BarnGirl's studio and bathroom. Meanwhile Shepherd Howard uses the mini dumper buggy to remove the soil and add it to my mounting Everest in the 'garden'.

'Yay, it's my turn to take Doris for a spin'

East End. The trench behind the retaining wall filled with small, rounded pebbles to prevent damage to the Protection Board
East End. Trench filled. Matt can now stop his pebble dance to sjchush them into place.

The remaining 3 posts standing sentinel and proud

Captain Seth checking measurements

M'four posts - East to West

So, to the trusses - the two angled trusses. A mini blip, all sorted within 24 hours....thanks to BarnGirl's 'no problem' team.  I was admiring all the work going on and then cast my eye to the vaulted ceiling in the south elevation and the trusses. My wish was to have a series of four straight lines rather than one straight, the next two angled and the last straight. It may seem a tad petty, but I felt strongly about it.

For a few pensive hours, and thoughts of having to remove work just completed, there was a transfer of drawings and sketches and several phone calls between Boss Jon, Archie, the Architect, Mr Structural Engineer and me, the problem was resolved. In fact, it resulted in an even better solution.

According the Structural Engineer, there was no need for the lower angle truss after all. If the roof line timber above it, was flanked with steel plates, the new angled trusses could be removed altogether and reused elsewhere in the barn. Perfick!

One of the angled trusses. The lower beam will now be removed. The top one will have steel plates attached either side
The two angled trusses

Well done, everyone.

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