Saturday 25 January 2014

Day 110 - it rained and it rained and it rained and it.........

...rained....and it rained and it boringly continued to rain all night until about noon the next day.

BarnGirl's Waterfront property

It's raining 
It's pouring
Vorsprung Durch Technik is Snoring!

The lap pool returns

Handy ladders for Captain Seth and team to work on the roof

The BarnBoys don their wet weather gear and carry on. Boss Jon and Tim laying a pipe to the utility room. Meanwhile, Matt's on digging duty, preparing the area around the supporting posts. The base of the original posts will be trimmed where they've rotted and eventually 'spliced' with oak, to form a 'lightning joint'!

Pipe heading to the utitliy...the pipe, not boss Jon

And here it is

Diggin' it!

There's beauty in the rain cloud!

And a hint of a rainbow

I'm off to locate the pot of gold.

Well done, BarnBoys.....not a murmur of complaint, despite getting soaked to the skin and down to their Jockey's under the all-weather gear.


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