Tuesday 28 January 2014

Day 111 - 113 Top and Bottom

Captain Seth and his merry men have been tap, tap, tapping for several days. Having secured trusses, supporting beams and generally trying to square-up an un-square barn, without detracting from it's character, they've been on rafter duty on the North elevation.

The spine of rafters on the North face is almost complete

Mark, don't do it. We need you!

Captain Seth and Papa Bill working on rafters above studio

BarnBoys standing in the hall

BarnBoys trying to avoid getting their boots dirty

Meanwhile, with an "all-clear" from Captain Seth atop the roof, the BarnBoys could make a start on concreting the floor of the north elevation. They waited patiently for Mr Concrete, aka Mad Mike, who was delayed due to the freezing temperatures, forcing the concrete elves to wait for water to thaw before they could fill the belly of the lorry, allowing Mad Mike to be on his way.

As if by magic, BarnGirl has a concrete floor!

BarnGirl's Art Installation: 'Suspended Four'

Concrete in Master Bedroom, Bathroom, Dressing Room
Thank you, Digger Ryan, for bringing your 'Bull'. After a once over with his vibrating tamp rail, Digger Ryan brought forth, the 'bull' and smoothed the surface of BarnGirl's floor.

There are several more layers of stuff to go on top of this layer of concrete.....more of that to follow, when I'll try and be a little more specific about 'stuff'.

An example of a 'bull float'

BarnGirl makes her mark

Sun setting on site. Time to head home, guys

Boss Jon gives a precis of the day's activity for the 4th time!

Another good day. Another beautiful sunset

And so, to bed.


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